Requirements for Original New Media Projects

WGAE Signatory and Membership Requirements for Original New Media Projects

For Signatories

The WGA, East (WGAE) shall require the following minimum standards for a self-produced new media series/project (“Project”) at the time the signatory application is submitted:

  • The Project must already be produced and be no less than 30 total minutes in length, which can include numerous episodes.
  • The writer/producer must submit a Notice of Tentative Writing Credits (NTWC) form to the WGAE’s credits department to approve for each produced episode of the Project, and for each episode produced moving forward.
  • The Project must be distributed on a known, trafficked and clearly identified online distribution platform (e.g., YouTube, Crackle, Vimeo, etc.) and not just a personal web domain.
  • The writer/producer must submit a detailed budget for the Project along with the signatory application and writing contract.
  • The writer/producer must provide proof of payment for the writing fee.

Signatory companies that do not meet these standards will not be approved. These rules shall apply across the board to WGAE members and non-members.

Questions regarding the signatory application process should be directed to WGAE Signatories Manager, Rochelle Rubin (; 212-767-7837).


For Membership

Any writer/producer who is not a member of the WGAE and satisfies the original new media signatory requirements listed above shall be permitted to apply for WGAE membership.

The writer/producer shall be required to pay the full $1,500 initiation fee within 45 days of becoming a member.

Questions regarding membership should be directed to WGAE Membership Administrator, Kelly O’Brien (; 212-767-7821).

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