WGA Audio Alliance: Anti-Harassment

Anti-Harassment Statement & Support
The WGA Audio Alliance aims to strengthen the professional landscape for writers and creators of audio fiction, and to foster peer support and collaboration in the community. We welcome writers of all professional standings, without regard to race, gender identity or expression, sex, sexual orientation, disability, age, religion, national origin, or professional status, and we expect all Audio Alliance members to foster a safe, nurturing, and encouraging environment for all backgrounds and identities.
Respect for other members is the default. While we welcome a range of viewpoints and experiences, we absolutely require that opinions be expressed with respect for other members of this community. We are committed to creating spaces and events that are free of harassment, whether those spaces are in-person or virtual (e.g., via email, Zoom, Twitter, etc.). We do not tolerate harassment based on race, gender identity or expression, sex, sexual orientation, disability, age, religion, national origin, or professional status.
If you encounter harassment either directly or indirectly because of your involvement with the WGA Audio Alliance and you bring that incident or concern to our attention, we will respond promptly to your inquiry, and will believe—not second-guess or doubt—the incident or concern that you bring forward.
The following resources are available to address any of your concerns:
Staff Contacts
- WGAE Organizer Dana Trentalange can be reached directly at dtrentalange@wgaeast.org.
- WGAE General Counsel Ann Burdick can be reached directly at aburdick@wgaeast.org.
Safe Workplace Helpline
If you are experiencing any form of harassment or discrimination at work, you can contact the Guild’s Safe Workplace voicemail and email helpline.