Guidelines for Strike Fund Assistance to WGAE Members

About the Strike Fund

Article IX.B, Section C.6 of the Guild’s Constitution provides for Strike Fund loans of up to $3,000 to be made available to members facing hardship in the event of a work stoppage and directs the Council to appoint a committee to administer the Fund. Based on the duration of the work stoppage, members may apply for more than one loan. The members of the 2023 Strike Fund Committee are: Chris Kyle (Chair), Monica Lee Bellais, Justin DiLauro, Gina Gionfriddo, Josh Gondelman, Tian Jun Gu, Gail Lee, Caitlin Cruz, Jessica Schulberg, Sasha Stewart.

The Strike Fund Committee solicited member input and has established criteria to ensure the fair administration of the Strike Fund in the event of a work stoppage.

Eligibility Requirements

As mandated in the Guild’s Constitution, Strike Fund benefits shall be given only to WGAE members who face financial hardship because their income is demonstrably affected by the imposition of a restraining order. The Strike Fund Committee will determine the amount of each monthly loan on a case-by-case basis.

Members who meet the following criteria will be eligible to apply for Strike Fund assistance in the form of loans (see Repayment Terms below):

  1. Current Active member of WGAE;
  2. No delinquent loans from a prior strike;
  3. No delinquent dues declarations; and
  4. No current dues delinquency (i.e., an Active member in good standing).

Application Forms

A member who is eligible for Strike Fund Assistance must complete the Application for WGAE Strike Fund Assistance (PDF) and the Authorization to Obtain Information (PDF) and submit it the Strike Fund Committee:

  1. by email:
  2. by mail: Strike Fund Committee
    Writers Guild of America East, Inc.
    250 Hudson Street, Suite 700
    New York, NY 10019

Approval Criteria

The Strike Fund Committee will review loan applications on an anonymous basis—members’ names will be replaced by a code. The Committee will consider many factors in determining who will obtain a loan. The primary factors the committee will consider include:

  1. The financial impact of the strike on the member and, if applicable, on their family or other dependents;
  2. Whether or not the member has made one or more covered sales of literary material, or was employed to render covered services under the 2020 WGA Theatrical and Television Basic Agreement, (“MBA”), or has a deal pending subject to the 2020 MBA;
  3. Whether or not the member is in serious jeopardy of losing housing, a car or medical coverage, or is facing a similar financial emergency; and
  4. Whether or not the member is eligible for unemployment insurance.

Repayment Terms

Loans shall be subject to repayment at the end of the strike in one of the following three ways, at the borrower’s election:

  1. A lump sum at a 10 percent discount, interest free, if repaid in full within 180 days from the end of the strike;
  2. Twelve (12) equal monthly installments, interest-free, beginning no later than 180 days after the end of the strike;
  3. Twenty-four (24) equal monthly installments beginning no later than 180 days after the end of the strike, the first 12 months to be interest-free, and the second 12 months to be repaid at either 3% or the federal funds discount rate, whichever is lower, as of the date the twelfth monthly payment is due.

Repayment of loans shall start no later than 180 days after the end of the strike.

Although Strike Loans must be repaid, members facing hardship during the repayment period may appeal anonymously or in person to the Council for further consideration of their circumstances including but not limited to interest repayment and the assignment of residual payments.

Promissory Note & Residuals Assignment

Borrowers will be required to sign a promissory note and to execute an assignment to the Strike Fund of up to 50% of their future residuals payments and other funds collected by the WGA on their behalf, including foreign copyright levies, clip payments and legal claims. The Guild will implement the assignment only if a borrower becomes delinquent in repaying the loan for three (3) months and only until the loan balance is repaid.

Appeal Process

If a member is dissatisfied with a decision of the Strike Fund Committee, the member may ask for a review of their request. Two members of the Strike Fund Committee and three members of the Council who do not serve on the Strike Fund Committee will hear the appeal. Their decision in the matter will be final.

Contact Us

If there are any further questions, please contact the Strike Fund Committee at

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